By partnering with the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health at Washington State University, Animal Medical Center of Seattle is working to put an end to rabies deaths. Although rabies is under control in developed countries, it still kills roughly 59,000 each year in Africa and Asia. About half of those deaths are children.
We have formed this partnership so that together with our clients we can make a global impact – one that will save the lives of dogs and the people who care for them. And, by working with the Allen School, we are already making a difference. The program in east Africa vaccinates hundreds of dogs each day. As a result, the Allen School has created a rabies free zone near the Serengeti National Park where rabies has affected humans, dogs, and wildlife such as lions.
By 2030, the goal is to reduce the number of human deaths to zero. We believe that together with our clients and other veterinary clinics across the state, we can help move closer to that goal.
Please join us in the effort to eliminate rabies worldwide. A $10 gift will vaccinate a child’s dog from rabies and distemper, another major cause of mortality in young dogs. A gift of any amount will move us closer to a world where no child or dog dies from rabies. Together we can end rabies deaths.