Dennis, a 14-year-old male common warthog, is a beloved figure at the Woodland Park Zoo. When his gait became wobbly, the zoo team consulted with Dr. Chai-Fei Li, one of our neurologists at the Animal Medical Center of Seattle (AMCS).

After reviewing videos and radiographs, Dr. Li suspected Dennis might have T3-L3 myelopathy, a spinal cord disorder, but initial tests weren’t conclusive. With Dennis’s age and the rarity of this condition in warthogs, the team considered other causes as well. After some discussion, they decided to proceed with an MRI to better define his condition.

The MRI revealed mild chronic disc disease and some spinal cord abnormalities. To treat this, the neurology team at AMCS performed a targeted injection of steroids and anesthetic into the thoracic lumbar junction and collected cerebrospinal fluid for further analysis. The procedure, conducted under radiographic guidance, was successful. Within days, Dennis showed improvement—walking more steadily and becoming more interactive. He continues to receive corticosteroid and analgesic medications to provide relief.

Dennis’s case was a challenging one due to his age and species, but thanks to the collaboration between the AMCS and Woodland Park Zoo teams, Dennis is walking better. His response to treatment is a testament to the power of advanced veterinary care and the dedicated efforts of those who care for the animals we cherish.

Dennis’s journey highlights the importance of collaboration between veterinary teams and the value of using advanced diagnostic tools like MRI to provide the best care for animals, no matter their size or species. It also serves as a reminder that, sometimes, the path to recovery can be as unique as the patient itself.

We are grateful to be part of Dennis’s remarkable journey to better health and are proud to support the incredible work done by the Woodland Park Zoo team in caring for this special warthog. Here’s to many more years of Dennis’s larger-than-life presence and charm!