This adorable pup is Charlie! Charlie is an 11-year-old Formosan Mountain Dog who was diagnosed with an insulinoma in early July 2018. An insulinoma is a malignant mass of the pancreas. The pancreas regulates insulin in the body, and an insulinoma will cause it to secrete excessive amounts, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). On 7/5 he was referred over to the Animal Medical Center of Seattle’s Internal Medicine department to discuss treatment options for his insulinoma. His diagnosis was based upon an ultrasound and blood work changes, but a CT scan was needed in order to confirm the diagnosis, which was scheduled on 7/12. After confirmation that it was an insulinoma, Charlie was sent to surgery for an exploratory laparotomy where a partial resection of his pancreas was performed to remove the insulinoma.

Charlie had post-op pancreatitis and stayed in intensive care while he recovered from his abdominal surgery and pancreatitis. Charlie was discharged a few days later but was admitted back to our emergency department on 7/17 for hypoglycemic episode. Charlie was placed on IV fluids with dextrose added to it in order to stabilize his blood glucose levels. He began to get better and by the next day, his hypoglycemia was resolved.

Everyone here at AMCS just fell in love with Charlie and we just had to snap some pictures and share his story with everyone. What a handsome boy!

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