In March of 2018, during the wee hours of the morning, the Animal Medical Center of Seattle received a beautiful calico Persian cat, named Lovie, into our emergency department for dystocia (difficult birth). Lovie had given birth to two kittens at home earlier in the evening, but a third kitten was breach when Lovie presented to the hospital and unfortunately did not survive. An abdominal ultrasound revealed two additional live kittens, so an emergency caesarian section was performed by one of our emergency veterinarians, Dr. Shane Turner. Dr. Turner delivered the two kittens; one black and white male and one calico female. The male kitten was strong and nursed well once Lovie was recovered enough from her surgery. But the little female kitten was very small and had difficulty nursing.

Lovie was discharged to go home with her family once she was recovered from her surgery, so she could nurse the other two kittens at home. Sadly, later that night, Lovie passed away and the two kittens she gave birth to at home passed away shortly after. The necropsy for Lovie’s death suggested a stroke. Despite the expert care Lovie received from the AMCS team and her owner, this is something nobody could have planned for. Janae, Lovie’s owner, was absolutely devastated, but she knew she had to stay strong for Lovie’s two surviving kittens delivered at AMCS.

Janae was dedicated to keeping Lovie’s kittens alive and did everything she possibly could. One of Janae’s other kitties, Bonnie, had given birth recently and had no problem stepping right in to nurse and care for Lovie’s kittens as if they were her own. The black and white male kitten gained weight normally and was thriving, but Lovie’s female kitten was touch and go for a very long time. She was so tiny and not gaining weight like she should have, but she was a little fighter!

Janae gave us progress reports on Lovie’s kittens and how they were doing, along with some fantastic pictures! With some time, Lovie’s little girl began to look more and more like a kitten and less like a mouse.

Lovie’s male kitten, who was later named Richard or Richie for short, went to a great home in Spokane, WA, where he is happy and thriving with his new family!

In honor of Lovie, Janae named her female kitten Cider’s Haven Lovie’s Mini Me, or Minnie for short. Although she still has a long ways to go, Janae’s dedication and Minnie’s will to survive is nothing short of amazing. Minnie truly is a little miracle kitten.

Janae came to visit the Animal Medical Center of Seattle with Minnie on Tuesday, June 5th and Friday, June 8th to show everyone just how well she was doing. It was so great to see Minnie and how far she had come along! Plus, who doesn’t want to see kittens? We are truly happy for Janae and Minnie and thank her for allowing us to see her progress for the last few months. Although Lovie has passed the rainbow bridge, her memory will live on with her two precious kittens.