Veterinary Surgery
The Animal Medical Center of Seattle’s veterinary surgical service covers soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. We utilize advanced, cutting-edge, and minimally invasive options, with a wide array of procedures from oncologic to orthopedic surgery. Our surgeons are trained in advanced surgical techniques and can treat some of the most complicated surgical cases.

Alicia Howser, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVS
Dr. Alicia Howser grew up in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Sciences with a minor in Business Administration at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
After finishing her undergraduate degree, she became a licensed veterinary technician working in a bustling general practice and emergency hospital on the Central Coast. However, it was always the plan to become a veterinarian and after a couple of years away from school, she pursued this dream by attending veterinary school at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Dr. Howser finished her veterinary degree in 2014 and did a rotating internship in Indianapolis, where her love for surgery blossomed. Since then, she has done various specialized surgical internships and completed her three-year surgery residency at Summit Veterinary Referral Center in Tacoma. In 2021, she became a board-certified veterinary surgeon.
Throughout her training, Dr. Howser has come to enjoy all types of surgical cases, both orthopedic and soft tissue, but some of her favorite areas include cardiothoracic surgery, oncologic surgery, and TPLOs. She is actively developing her minimally invasive arthroscopic skills as well.
Living in Tacoma led to a love for the Pacific Northwest and the desire to settle here. In her free time, Dr. Howser enjoys spending time with her partner and their two dogs, a feisty French Bulldog named Pinot, and the sweetest three-legged Coonhound mix named Daisey.
She enjoys traveling, camping, hiking, and skiing. The recent pandemic reignited her interest in golf and she can be found out on the golf course about once a week if the weather is fair.
Dr. Howser is happy to promote the health and well-being of the PNW pets and she looks forward to continuing an adventurous PNW lifestyle.

Hania Brasali, DVM (Practice Limited to Surgery)
Dr. Hania Brasali is originally from Fresno, California. She completed her undergraduate degree at Calpoly Pomona and it was during that time that she found her interest in veterinary medicine while working as a veterinary assistant at a local veterinary clinic.
She then ventured to the Midwest to complete her veterinary degree at the University of Minnesota. After graduation in 2019, she completed a rotating internship at Veterinary Specialty Hospital North County where she developed a special interest in surgery. Her passion for surgery was solidified during her surgical internship at Central Texas Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital. She then completed her three-year surgical residency at Massachusetts Veterinary Referral Hospital in Woburn, Massachusetts.
Dr. Brasali enjoys both soft tissue and orthopedic cases. She has particular interests in the surgical treatment for trauma, oncology, thoracic, and gastrointestinal cases. As a surgeon, she understands that pursuing surgical treatment is not always an easy decision for pet owners. She also understands that just because something can be cut, doesn’t mean that it should. Dr. Brasali will work with you to ensure that if surgery is pursued, that it is the right decision for you and your beloved pet.
When not at work, Dr. Brasali enjoys spending time with her husband, three cats, and two dogs. She is a foodie and enjoys many activities including hiking, weightlifting, and has a newfound interest in pilates. She is excited to be in the PNW and cannot wait to experience the food, culture, and activities it has to offer!
Soft Tissue Surgery
Head and Neck
Salivary mucoele, total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy, ventral bulla osteotomy
Gastrointestinal: foreign body retrieval, intestinal resection and anastomosis, full-thickness intestinal biopsies, mass removal, pyloroplasty, subtotal colectomy in cats
Hepatobiliary: cholecystectomy, biliary diversion, liver biopsy or mass removal
Urinary: cystotomy, partial cystectomy, urinary bladder repair, nephrectomy, SUB (subcutaneous ureteral bypass)
Hernia repair: diaphragmatic, peritoneopericardial hiatal, inguinal, traumatic abdominal
Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS): stenotic nares, elongated soft palpate, everted laryngeal saccule
Laryngeal paralysis: arytenoid lateralization
Laryngeal collapse
Lung lobectomy or partial lobectomy, pericardectomy, mediastinal mass removal
Digit or limb amputation, mastectomy, mass excision and reconstruction, skin flap, rotational flap, bone or lymph node biopsy
Lower urinary tract: perineal urethrostomy in cats, scrotal urethrostomy in dogs, urethral trauma management, urethral prolapse, vaginal prolapse
Perineal: anal sacculectomy, perineal hernia repair, rectal mass excision, rectal pull through, vulvoplasty
Wound management
Orthopedic Surgery
Hip: Femoral head & neck ostectomy, coxofemoral luxation repair
Shoulder: Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) removal
Elbow: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process (FMCP or FCP) or Ununited Anconeal Process (UAP) excision
Fracture or luxation repair
Joint fusion (arthrodesis)
Ligament and tendon repair
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Here for your pet - 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

17518 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155
Click here for directions.

Contact Us
Call: 206-204-3366
Fax: 206-204-3858
Email: [email protected]